Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Job advertisement

Thanks Ms Lim a lot for reminding me to post the job ad to blog post ^^

The Learning Lab
 Client Ambassadors
 Mountbatten Square,United Square
 Monday, January 17, 2011
 Wednesday, February 16, 2011 


Shape the future with us.

The Learning Lab runs premium learning programmes in English, Mathematics and Science at primary and secondary school levels. We are committed to creating our own distinctive brand of education that ensures both academic excellence and world-readiness.

We take pride in nurturing the next generation of leaders by cultivating each student’s unique talents and abilities. We aim to take each child on an exciting learning journey, and we are willing to go the extra mile.

We are looking for the very best.

Joining the private education sector translates to greater flexibility and an accelerated progress track.

Make your journey with us today and start shaping the future.

·  Accelerated client management track
·  All disciplines of study
·  Exceptional people & project management skills in a front office environment
·  Starting in comm centre & front desk, developing into planning & management functions
·  Entry salary $2,500, premium for relevant experience


Please email your resume to hr@thelearninglab.com.sg
For more information, please visit our website at
Please quote the reference no. NUS2008630CA in your application

The Learning Lab


  1. You're welcome, Kelvin.

    'Courtesy' is one of the 7Cs that can actually help seal or break a deal, so it will be good to consider this one important 'C' whenever we communicate. I constantly remind myself too, to consider the audience's needs whenever I correspond with others.
